【片語/成語篇】TOEIC 常考片語篇-All Pass English 一對一線上家教-線上英文課程,線上英文推薦

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【片語/成語篇】TOEIC 常考片語篇

【片語/成語篇】TOEIC 常考片語篇






【片語篇】TOEIC 常考片語篇

1st. As for :至於
Most of people seem too have no doubt about what he said. As for me, I don't trust him at all.

2nd. As yet :到目前為止
As yet we have not received any answer from him.

3rd. Back out : 改變心意、反悔
The chairperson backed out of the contract.

4th.Back up : 支持、擁護
My parents always back me up when I am weak.

● 一對一客制教學
● 專業領域必學英文會話
● 提升英文口說技巧
● 特殊科目指定教學

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